Thursday, June 29, 2017

Final Post

Dear Parents,

We did it. We made it through another year. Before I sign off for the summer, I want you to know how lucky I feel to have had the privilege to teach all your children. All year I bragged about how nice of a class I have and how truly special and they are. I wish each of you a memorable and fantastic summer. As I move on to a new adventure in the fall, I'm excited knowing that I didn't actually have to say goodbye. In my new role, I will get many opportunities to see each of my kiddos in the halls or in their classrooms (even those moving on to new schools themselves) and I can't wait to do so.

A little housekeeping:

-I will keep access to pictures available to you for the summer months. You are welcome to save any pictures I have taken of your child. I took a lot of fun ones so be sure to take a look. These can be accessed from the blog.

Mme. Creurer and I wish you an amazing summer! Click her for more pictures from our final week. 

Your Truly,

Tarynne Angell

Friday, June 23, 2017

June 19-23

Important Dates and Events:

Tuesday - Activity Day
Wednesday - Class party and last day of school. Report Cards

Our Week at a Glance:

For being the last week of school, we sure packed a lot in!
Click here for pictures from our week.

Language Arts: In honour of National Aboriginal Day, we had a special guest talk to the class about traditional Indigenous storytelling. We spread tobacco to give back to the earth, heard a story and then circle read traditional Aboriginal stories to small groups.

Social Studies: We learned about how Canada got its flag, Charter of Rights and Freedoms and students created their own charters that included what was important to them.

Science: Our field trip to Miquelon Lake to study the Wetlands was so much fun. Students took part in a pond study, learned about the food chain and animal shelters for survival by building their own.
Back at school, we studied life cycles and adaptations. Students completed a writing project where they created their own adapted wetland creature. On Friday we used the wetland creatures we made with the 3D pens a while back to research their life cycles and create our own 3D diagrams.

Click here for pictures from our field trip.
Math: Rotations, translations, and reflections were our focus this week.

Art: After reading, "The Perfect Square", students created their own square transformation. They are beautiful and will come home on Monday.

Health: We wrapped up our maturation study.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

June 12-16

Upcoming Dates and Events:

Monday - Field Trip (Bring bug spray, sunscreen, water bottle, rain or shine clothes, hat, snacks)
Tuesday or Wednesday - Finish our maturation discussions.

Our Week at a Glance:

Language Arts - The class finished converting their superhero stories to a 6 block comic strip. We practiced where commas are to be added into sentences, played various phonics games, read with and wrote sentences for our kinder buddies and reviewed how to use the Destiny library system over the summer.

Click her for more pictures from our week.
Math - This week we used digital tools to collect data and create double bar graphs. However, the highlight of our week was learning to program ProBots to create various quadrilaterals, find their perimeter and their surface area. We ended our week looking at chance and probability. For example, if I spin a spinner numbered 1-4, how more likely, equally likely or not likely is it that the spinner will land on 3.

Social Studies - An intense discussion of the Great Depression was had. Students wrote very thoughtful reflections of how their lives would be different if they experienced the Great Depression.

Science - We learned about what types of animals and plants are found typically in a wetland, the parts of a pond and animal adaptations.

Maturation - We have not completed this discussion and will continue to on either Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

June 5-9

Upcoming Dates and Events:

*Field Trip forms for June 19th field trip needs to be in.**
Wednesday - Bake Sale & Maturation forms due
Friday - Maturation Lessons

Our Week at a Glance:

Click for more pictures from our week.
Language Arts - The class took part in a weather themed reader's theatre presentation. This projects worked to build reading fluency. Their presentation was a lot of fun to watch. We had our final spelling test for the year on Friday.

Math - This week the class planned their year-end party as an introduction to our Statistics and Probability study. They surveyed each other to choose food, drinks, themes, games, music, etc. and graphed their results. Thank you to all the parents that have signed up so far to provide supplies.
We also learned about first-hand and second-hand information.

Science - We officially began our wetlands study by discussing what a wetland is and how it is different from a lake. The class went outside to look at the ecosystems around the school while discovering living and non-living things there.

Social Studies - After learning about how World War 1 changed life in Canada, students took a virtual tour of Vimy Ridge using virtual reality goggles and a Google Expedition. Ask them about what they saw.

Art - We completed our perspective art. It turned out really neat.

Other - I was so proud of some of our students this week after I taught them some new (but actually old school) outdoor games. They embraced that and started running groups to teach other students how to also play.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

May 29-June 2

Upcoming Dates and Events:

Wednesday - Early Dismissal
Thursday - Last day for library

Our Week at a Glance:

Click her for Tasty Tuesday pictures.
Language Arts: We have been enjoying playing various roles in a reader's theatre piece about the weather. This will be the last week of spelling words for the year.

For Tasty Tuesday the class made Frog-wiches. You'll have to see the pictures. They were adorable and delicious.

Math: It was a busy week filled with learning about quadrilaterals, faces, edges and vertices.

Social Studies: Students did an amazing job creating their Famous Five documentaries using Adobe Spark. We also discussed the impacts of WWI on Canadians at the time.

Science: Finally, our salt crystals began to form! Ask your child about it. We also tested various materials to see if they are an acid or a base.

Click here for pictures from our week.

Friday, May 26, 2017

May 23-26

Upcoming Dates and Events:

Friday - Students involved with Safety Patrol are away all day. Bring a water bottle, sunscreen, bug spray and dress for the days weather.

Our Week at a Glance: 

Language Arts: Students continued with their Super Hero stories.

Social Studies: The class has been using Adobe Spark to create a short documentary on a member of Canada's Famous Five.

Math: The Fractions and Decimals tests are marked and will be returned on Monday. Everyone did great. We began a study of geometry this week. Students looked at describing different shapes, horizonatal, lateral, parallel and perpendicular.

Science: We reviewed the concept of surface tension, experimenting with different liquids such as water, rubbing alcohol and vegetable oil.

Click here for more pictures from our week.

Friday, May 19, 2017

May 15-18

Upcoming Dates and Events

Hot lunch orders are due tomorrow.
Monday - School's closed for Victoria Day
Wednesday - Fractions and Decimals Test

Our Week at a Glance:

Click here for more When I Think of the Alphabet
Language Arts - If you got to describe yourself as a superhero, what traits and super powers would you give yourself? The class did just this and have placed their created heroes in their own superhero adventures they are currently writing. Students completed their, "When I Think of the Alphabet" writing and art. They are stunning and beautifully written.

Math - 'Reality Check' was the theme this week in math. Students learned how to add and subtract decimals to the thousandths and used this knowledge to figure out how much it costs to live each month and just how quickly that money goes once you add it all up. Each student was given a monthly salary. From there, they chose a home based on features such as bussing, garage, pets, etc. and subtracted this from their salary. They then moved on to choosing transportation, food, clothing, entertainment, etc. How much money will they have left if any at all? I guess we will find out when we finish this on Tuesday. This has not only been eye-opening but also real life application of the learned concepts.

Social Studies - Students learned about Confederation and completed a comparison chart about Cartier and McDonald as well as their part in Confederation. We have now moved on to learning about the bravery and contributions of Canada's Famous 5. They will be exploring one of these 5 women in more detail next week and putting their findings together in a project using Adobe Spark.

Science - Many different materials were tested to see if they dissolve or separate. We made lemonade and experimented with sugar to see how that changes taste. We then separated the sugar again from the juice using evaporation. The class experimented with separating many other substances from each other using filters, sieves and magnets. Next week we are going to make crystals and play with surface tension.
Click here for great pictures from our Week

Click here for pictures of Jump Rope for Heart