Thursday, June 29, 2017

Final Post

Dear Parents,

We did it. We made it through another year. Before I sign off for the summer, I want you to know how lucky I feel to have had the privilege to teach all your children. All year I bragged about how nice of a class I have and how truly special and they are. I wish each of you a memorable and fantastic summer. As I move on to a new adventure in the fall, I'm excited knowing that I didn't actually have to say goodbye. In my new role, I will get many opportunities to see each of my kiddos in the halls or in their classrooms (even those moving on to new schools themselves) and I can't wait to do so.

A little housekeeping:

-I will keep access to pictures available to you for the summer months. You are welcome to save any pictures I have taken of your child. I took a lot of fun ones so be sure to take a look. These can be accessed from the blog.

Mme. Creurer and I wish you an amazing summer! Click her for more pictures from our final week. 

Your Truly,

Tarynne Angell

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