Tuesday, June 6, 2017

May 29-June 2

Upcoming Dates and Events:

Wednesday - Early Dismissal
Thursday - Last day for library

Our Week at a Glance:

Click her for Tasty Tuesday pictures.
Language Arts: We have been enjoying playing various roles in a reader's theatre piece about the weather. This will be the last week of spelling words for the year.

For Tasty Tuesday the class made Frog-wiches. You'll have to see the pictures. They were adorable and delicious.

Math: It was a busy week filled with learning about quadrilaterals, faces, edges and vertices.

Social Studies: Students did an amazing job creating their Famous Five documentaries using Adobe Spark. We also discussed the impacts of WWI on Canadians at the time.

Science: Finally, our salt crystals began to form! Ask your child about it. We also tested various materials to see if they are an acid or a base.

Click here for pictures from our week.

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