Saturday, June 17, 2017

June 12-16

Upcoming Dates and Events:

Monday - Field Trip (Bring bug spray, sunscreen, water bottle, rain or shine clothes, hat, snacks)
Tuesday or Wednesday - Finish our maturation discussions.

Our Week at a Glance:

Language Arts - The class finished converting their superhero stories to a 6 block comic strip. We practiced where commas are to be added into sentences, played various phonics games, read with and wrote sentences for our kinder buddies and reviewed how to use the Destiny library system over the summer.

Click her for more pictures from our week.
Math - This week we used digital tools to collect data and create double bar graphs. However, the highlight of our week was learning to program ProBots to create various quadrilaterals, find their perimeter and their surface area. We ended our week looking at chance and probability. For example, if I spin a spinner numbered 1-4, how more likely, equally likely or not likely is it that the spinner will land on 3.

Social Studies - An intense discussion of the Great Depression was had. Students wrote very thoughtful reflections of how their lives would be different if they experienced the Great Depression.

Science - We learned about what types of animals and plants are found typically in a wetland, the parts of a pond and animal adaptations.

Maturation - We have not completed this discussion and will continue to on either Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon.

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