Saturday, June 10, 2017

June 5-9

Upcoming Dates and Events:

*Field Trip forms for June 19th field trip needs to be in.**
Wednesday - Bake Sale & Maturation forms due
Friday - Maturation Lessons

Our Week at a Glance:

Click for more pictures from our week.
Language Arts - The class took part in a weather themed reader's theatre presentation. This projects worked to build reading fluency. Their presentation was a lot of fun to watch. We had our final spelling test for the year on Friday.

Math - This week the class planned their year-end party as an introduction to our Statistics and Probability study. They surveyed each other to choose food, drinks, themes, games, music, etc. and graphed their results. Thank you to all the parents that have signed up so far to provide supplies.
We also learned about first-hand and second-hand information.

Science - We officially began our wetlands study by discussing what a wetland is and how it is different from a lake. The class went outside to look at the ecosystems around the school while discovering living and non-living things there.

Social Studies - After learning about how World War 1 changed life in Canada, students took a virtual tour of Vimy Ridge using virtual reality goggles and a Google Expedition. Ask them about what they saw.

Art - We completed our perspective art. It turned out really neat.

Other - I was so proud of some of our students this week after I taught them some new (but actually old school) outdoor games. They embraced that and started running groups to teach other students how to also play.

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