Friday, June 23, 2017

June 19-23

Important Dates and Events:

Tuesday - Activity Day
Wednesday - Class party and last day of school. Report Cards

Our Week at a Glance:

For being the last week of school, we sure packed a lot in!
Click here for pictures from our week.

Language Arts: In honour of National Aboriginal Day, we had a special guest talk to the class about traditional Indigenous storytelling. We spread tobacco to give back to the earth, heard a story and then circle read traditional Aboriginal stories to small groups.

Social Studies: We learned about how Canada got its flag, Charter of Rights and Freedoms and students created their own charters that included what was important to them.

Science: Our field trip to Miquelon Lake to study the Wetlands was so much fun. Students took part in a pond study, learned about the food chain and animal shelters for survival by building their own.
Back at school, we studied life cycles and adaptations. Students completed a writing project where they created their own adapted wetland creature. On Friday we used the wetland creatures we made with the 3D pens a while back to research their life cycles and create our own 3D diagrams.

Click here for pictures from our field trip.
Math: Rotations, translations, and reflections were our focus this week.

Art: After reading, "The Perfect Square", students created their own square transformation. They are beautiful and will come home on Monday.

Health: We wrapped up our maturation study.

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