Friday, May 19, 2017

May 15-18

Upcoming Dates and Events

Hot lunch orders are due tomorrow.
Monday - School's closed for Victoria Day
Wednesday - Fractions and Decimals Test

Our Week at a Glance:

Click here for more When I Think of the Alphabet
Language Arts - If you got to describe yourself as a superhero, what traits and super powers would you give yourself? The class did just this and have placed their created heroes in their own superhero adventures they are currently writing. Students completed their, "When I Think of the Alphabet" writing and art. They are stunning and beautifully written.

Math - 'Reality Check' was the theme this week in math. Students learned how to add and subtract decimals to the thousandths and used this knowledge to figure out how much it costs to live each month and just how quickly that money goes once you add it all up. Each student was given a monthly salary. From there, they chose a home based on features such as bussing, garage, pets, etc. and subtracted this from their salary. They then moved on to choosing transportation, food, clothing, entertainment, etc. How much money will they have left if any at all? I guess we will find out when we finish this on Tuesday. This has not only been eye-opening but also real life application of the learned concepts.

Social Studies - Students learned about Confederation and completed a comparison chart about Cartier and McDonald as well as their part in Confederation. We have now moved on to learning about the bravery and contributions of Canada's Famous 5. They will be exploring one of these 5 women in more detail next week and putting their findings together in a project using Adobe Spark.

Science - Many different materials were tested to see if they dissolve or separate. We made lemonade and experimented with sugar to see how that changes taste. We then separated the sugar again from the juice using evaporation. The class experimented with separating many other substances from each other using filters, sieves and magnets. Next week we are going to make crystals and play with surface tension.
Click here for great pictures from our Week

Click here for pictures of Jump Rope for Heart

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