Monday, May 8, 2017

May 1-5

Upcoming Dates and Events

Wednesday - Bake Sale! It's our turn so send a dozen nut free baked goods for the bake sale in the morning!!
Friday - Spelling Test

Our Week at a Glance: 

Language Arts: This week we read a traditional folk tale about Tiger and Anansi. Students spent journaling about our story and sequencing events. The class also worked really hard on finishing up their "When I Think of the Alphabet" alliteration poetry project. They look incredible. I am so excited for you to see them.

Math: We focused on converting fractions to decimals and the reverse. Students played math games and completed guided math centers to further practice this skill.

Social Studies: The class reviewed the concepts we studied this unit and wrote their unit test.

Science: Our hope was to begin our Classroom Chemistry study on Friday. However, with the science fair in the afternoon, we decided to support our participating classmates and students and checked that out instead.

Art: The class watercolour painted the artwork that corresponds with their poetry projects. They are stunning!

Health: Time was spent discussing what mental health actually means for Mental Health Week. As well we discussed what it means to stand for something. Students created a, "What Do You Stand For" board in the classroom. I was touched by some of their thoughts.

Check out the great pictures from the week!

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