Sunday, April 30, 2017

April 24-28

Upcoming Dates and Events:

Monday - Assembly
Wednesday - Early Dismissal
Thursday - Social Studies Test
Friday - Spelling

Our Week at a Glance:

Language Arts: It was Tasty Tuesday this week and with our new chemistry unit starting up right away, I thought we would make Root Beer floats and get a quick lesson on what happens when a base (ice cream) comes in contact with an acid (root beer). Students then wrote reviews of the recipe. We also have been working diligently on our "When I Think of the Alphabet" poetry project. They are looking wonderful!

Click here for Tasty Tuesday Pictures 
Social Studies: This week we discussed the building of the CP rail and how it's development helped shape Canada to what it is today. We also discussed the influences of the many immigrants that came to our country and settled. Students have been working on developing study notes for Thursday's test. (I moved it from Wednesday because of early dismissal.

Math: We practiced our strategies for ordering and comparing fractions for the first part of the week. The second half of the week, we learned about tenths, hundredths and began converting fractions to decimals.

Art: The class finished their tulip paintings but the highlight of art this week was a visit from Mr. Maltais with the 3D Doodle Pens. Everybody got the opportunity to create a wetland creature for our upcoming wetlands study using plastic from a 3D pen. You can see pictures when you click the link below.
Click here for more pictures from our week

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