Sunday, April 23, 2017

April 19-21 (Shortest Week Ever!)

Upcoming Events and Dates:

Thursday - Volunteer Tea
Friday - Hot Lunch & Fresh Fruit Friday

Our Week at a Glance:

Language Arts: This week we combined what we have been learning in Social Studies about the British Empire Loyalists and the Acadians with our writing and created a comic/graphic novel type assignment about one of these 2 groups. There were no spelling words assigned this week. 

Math: Our focus for the week was on ordering and comparing fractions. We will continue with this in the upcoming week. 

Click here for more pictures from our week. 
Social Studies: We learned about the North West Mounted Police, how they began and what their purpose was and how their presence helped shape the west. There will be a Social Studies test next Wednesday. I'll be sending home a test outline this week. 

Art: Spring tulips were drawn and will be watercolour painted this week. 

Health: Students continued building their public service announcements on bone health and nutrition.

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