Saturday, April 15, 2017

April 10-13

Upcoming Dates and Events:

Monday - No School (Easter Monday)
Tuesday - No School (PD Day)
Wednesday - Back to school
Thursday - Library books due

Our Week at a Glance:

Language Arts - We reviewed how students can access digital E-books and audiobooks online for free using our Destiny system. Students simply need to log in using their usual usernames and passwords. The link can be accessed from the Black Gold website or from my blog. The class began writing a reflection of their experiences and feelings during last week's blanket ceremony. Our week ended with a comic strip writing project about either the Acadian people or the British Empire Loyalists. This is a cross-curricular project that directly ties to our Social Studies curriculum as well.

Spelling - There will be no words assigned this coming week since it is so short.

Math - The class took part in guided math centers where they further practiced their equivalent fraction skills through games, time with me and kinesthetic activities.

We are also taking part in a Mathletics Challenge/contest with a handful of other classes in the school. The school with the most points can win a membership to Mathletics for the year. Mathletics is a program that allows to practice the math concepts learned in class in a fun way. Students were given usernames and passwords to keep in their agendas. If your child would like to go on Mathletics from home, they can access it from the blog. I can resend the password if needed. Just email me.

Social Studies - This week we learned about the struggles of the Acadians and the British Empire Loyalists.

Health - The class began making their public service announcements regarding bone health.

Click here for more pictures from our week.

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