Sunday, April 9, 2017

April 3-7

Upcoming Dates and Events:

Wednesday - Bake Sale
Friday - Good Friday: No School

Our Week At A Glance:

Language Arts: The class entered their animal creations from a few of weeks ago into the Olympics. They used the special qualities they gave their animal to compete in an event of their choice. They then wrote a commentary of the event and used Screen Castify and Google Slides to voice record the commentary of the event.

Math: Students reviewed fractions and focused this week on how to find equivalent fractions. We learned about proper and improper fractions and found fractions of a set.

Social Studies: This week we talked about explorers such as Samual de Champlain and Jaques Cartier, their contributions to the settlement of Canada and what life was like in New France. We even set up our own North West Trading Company and Hudson Bay Company. Students were given furs to trade for goods and then had to explain after what they purchased and how they were going to use them.

We were very lucky to have Mme. Lange come to our class and guide us through a Blanket Ceremony where students learned more about the challenges the First Nations people faced when the Europeans arrived. Be sure to ask them about what they learned from this experience.

Telus World of Science: What a great trip this was! The class took part in a Chem Squad mystery in which they solved the mystery of a spilt substance by testing the PH levels and acid reaction to different substances. We also reviewed some of our weather concepts and upcoming wetlands concepts during our Chicken Physics demonstration. The class also had fun in the Angry Birds exhibits as well as the other exhibits we toured.
Click here for more pictures from our week.
Click here for more pictures from Telus World of Science

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