Friday, March 10, 2017

March 6-10

Important Events & Dates:

Tuesday - Author visit 
Friday - Math test and St. Patrick's Day

Our Week at a Glance:

Language Arts: This week we read a fun story about a grandfather in Northern India who actually tickled a tiger. As we read through the story we practiced checking for understanding and will continue on next week as well. We also started writing narrative stories using a fun picture prompt about a mouse.

Social Studies: Continuing with our study of the First Nations people in Canada's 6 major regions, the class concluded their research and learned how to create their own websites using Google Sites. They are working hard on their sites and we can't wait to show them off at Student Led Conferences.

Math: We finished designing our packages for our Rocks 'R' Us pet rock business. Students designed pet rocks, measured their dimensions and designed boxes (nets) to fit their boxes just right. They then calculated the volume and surface area of their boxes followed by journaling their findings. Check out the pictures below! 

Next Friday we are going to have our measurement test. It will include finding perimeter, area and volume of boxes, liquid capacity and measurement conversions. 

Health: For the past while, we have been learning more about making healthy nutritional choices and focusing on bone health. Students learned this week that strong bones are built in the pre-teen years and which foods are best for bone building. Ask them how many servings of bone building foods they need a day to build strong bones. 
Click here to check out pictures from our week! 

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