Saturday, March 18, 2017

March 13-17

Important Dates and Events

Monday - New spelling words
Wednesday - Student Led Conferences
Thursday - Math test, spelling test.
Friday - No School (PD), First day of spring break. 

I will be away at the Educational Technology Summit on Monday and Tuesday but am leaving the class in amazing hands with Mrs. Towne. 
Our Week at a Glance:

Language Arts: The class continued with their mouse stories and got them ready for publishing. They had a great time sharing them with each other. For Tasty Tuesday, we reviewed veggie kabobs with ranch dip. It was an easy, healthy snack that got fantastic reviews. 

Mrs. Lyall organized an author visit from Gordon Laite for us on Tuesday. We learned that some stories are long and some are short. It doesn't matter as long as it's good. You write the amount you need to get the story told well. We also learned that sometimes a story can be written in a day and others can take 20 years. If you want them to be good, revise as much as you need until they are perfect to you. 

Math: To prepare for Thursday's math test, we reviewed finding area, volume and perimeter of shapes. On Monday and Tuesday, the focus will be liquid capacity measurements. On Monday I am sending home some practice review with the answers on the back. That way your child can check their answers as they go and be sure they are on the right track. These are not homework. They are for study purposes. 

Social Studies: Wow! The class created their own websites on the First Nations groups in Canada's regions. They then used Google Forms to create scavenger hunts for their classmates as they read through the web pages. Everyone worked so hard on this project and is super excited to show them off at Student Led Conferences. 

Art: On Friday, the class created anime style self-portraits. They are not quite finished yet but look fantastic so far. 

Health: We learned that we need at least 4 servings of bone building of foods per day to build strong healthy bones. Next week the class is going to use what they have learned about bone health and nutrition to create comic style public service announcements on the topic. 

Click here for more pictures from our week.
Tasty Tuesday Pictures

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