Saturday, February 4, 2017

January 30 - February 3rd

Upcoming Events & Dates:

Monday - Math test (Multiplication & Division)
              - Assembly

Tuesday - Mr. Maltais is coming to help us begin Makey Makey projects in Science.

Wednesday - Carnival Day
                               ***Dress warm and bring a travel mug for hot chocolate!***

Thursday & Friday - No school for Teacher's Convention

Our Week at a Glance:

Language Arts: The class read their One Word Pearl stories to our kinder buddies. They are excellent. So many descriptive and exciting words used. I'll return them marked on Monday. We also played vowel crosses during word work. You could play this game at home and use scrabble tiles instead of the alphabet die. If you would like a game sheet for home, email me and I'll send one.

Spelling: Your child's individualized spelling list has been posted for next week on Spelling City. However, since it is such a short week, we will not be having the test until next Friday.

Math: Wow! We had the best time with the award winning math guru Jane Felling on Monday afternoon. She came and taught our class about noodling and associative properties in addition and multiplication. The class got to become the teachers and teach the grade 2's about associative properties with a new game.

Science: This week we learned about the importance of conserving energy and how to convert watts to kilawatt hours. This lead to a great discussion about why we shouldn't stand with the fridge door open complaining there is nothing to eat. ;)

Art: With art walk coming up next month we began to learn about the featured artist Claude Monet. We read stories about his life and started a collage project to feature in the art walk.

Click here for more pictures from our week.

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