Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Feb 6-8th

Upcoming Dates and Events:

Tuesday - Valentine's Day. I told the class it was their choice to send in valentine's or treats. Some want to, other don't. But if they do bring something it, to do it for everyone.

Our Week at a Glance (Shortest week ever!):

Math: The class wrote their multiplication and division tests on Monday. They have been returned to the students for a parent signature. Next week we will be starting our study of measurement.

Language Arts: Roll a Poem was our word work and writing activity during Daily 5 time this week.
New words were sent home for spelling but won't be tested until next Friday. Therefore, there won't be new words sent on Monday.

Science: Our last 2 days have been packed with Science activities. The class built their own circuit boards and tested each others with little quizzes they created with a partner. We also completed a digital break out which was a lot of fun. This was to prepare our brains for the electricity break out we are doing on Monday with Mr. Maltais as our guest. Yesterday the class learned to build devices that controlled video games and play instruments using Makey Makey tools. Ask your child what materials they used. We had everything from bananas and play dough. We will be doing more with this next week.

Today was Carnival. The class did an amazing job running stations and had a lot of fun. I am so proud of them and their hard work.
Click here for more pictures from our week!

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