Monday, February 27, 2017

February 21-24

Important Dates and Events:

Friday - No school for PD so the spelling test will be Thursday.

Our Week at a Glance:

Language Arts: This week we had some fun working with an almanac and learned it can mean more than weather and sports scores. We also got creative and designed animals that were a combination of 2 animals that we did some writing with and will use as characters in an upcoming story.

We made granola, yogurt and fruit parfaits for Tasty Tuesday which we then wrote recipe reviews for to practice our opinion writing skills. Click the picture below to find your child's picture.

Social Studies: We have begun our new by comparing life in Canada in the past to the present.

Math: Ask your child about our Pet Rocks 'R' Us business we will be working on through our measurement unit. I think we're going to have a lot of fun. We explored finding area and volume of rectangular prisms by building cubes of various dimensions out of nets they designed.

Click here for more pictures from our week!
Click here for all the Tasty Tuesday pictures!

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