Monday, April 7, 2014

April 7-11

Welcome Back!

Hope everyone enjoyed Spring Break and is refreshed and ready for the final term of grade 2!

Reminders for the week:

Wednesday is Early Dismissal. Friday is Spring Photos.

In the classroom:

ELA: Students were excited to get back to their Daily 5 work. Many students are still creating books using the Tar Heel website, while others are writing about their break in their journals, or writing stories on paper. Students love the choice that Daily 5 time gives them to practice writing.

April is Poetry month so we will be reading, writing, and listening to poetry. April 24 is Poem in your Pocket Day. You can participate by carrying a poem in your pocket and sharing it that day!

Math: We are studying 3D shapes. Thank you so much to everyone who sent in building materials. We will be building in 3D this week!

Science: We are investigating different liquids and will be doing a couple experiments.

PE: Starting Friday, we will be participating in a Physical Literacy program put on by Marriot Fitness. We will be doing movement activities for 15 mins. each Friday for 8 weeks. More info to come!

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