Saturday, March 22, 2014

Re: The Devon Fire

It's hard to put into words all of the thoughts and feelings experienced in the past couple days since the fire that destroyed homes in our community. As you have probably heard, two of our Robina Baker families were directly affected, including one of our classmates. So much support has poured out from the community for the families, and we have much to be proud of and thankful for.

The class was very concerned, especially about their classmate. They are a very caring and empathetic group. They offered their beds, their stuffies, and their Xboxes. They made cards.  Many of the students were quite shaken. We kept to our daily school routine as much as possible and talked about it as needed. Each child is affected differently and will express their feelings in different ways. If you have any concerns at all about how your child is coping, please let me know. We have Meagan Eames as a support person who is able to come into the class and talk with us more if necessary. The class has also expressed an interest in getting something special for their classmate, so I am looking into that.

I am so blessed to spend the days with your children as their teacher. Please give them an extra big hug for me!

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