Sunday, March 23, 2014

March 24-27

Remember to bring a dollar for popcorn prior to March 27th if you would like Popcorn on Popcorn day!

Friday is a PD day. No school for students.

In the classroom:

  • ELA: During Daily 5 time I will be working on editing with students. Spelling words this week have suffixes. Remember you can use Spelling City to practice these words at home!
  • Math: We are continuing our Geometry unit. We will be constructing 2D shapes with clay and straws. The students enjoyed making the Bannock so much, I thought we would try making our own salt clay for this activity! 
  • The field trip to TWOS was an great introduction to our new science units: Exploring Liquids, and Boats and Bouyancy. This week we will further explore water and other liquids, and learn about surface tension.

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