Sunday, March 16, 2014

March 17-21


Monday: Wear Green. It's St. Patrick's  Day! This is one of my favourite holidays because...
  1. I am Irish.
  2. I like the colour green.
  3. Spring is only days away!
We are going to be spring-ing things up in the classroom so look forward to seeing our art/writing in rainbow colours this week!

Friday: We are off to the Telus World of Science. We will be doing science experiments and viewing an IMAX film. We will also get a chance to see all of the exhibits this time. We will be there all day. Students will need a bag lunch. THANK YOU to all the parents who have volunteered to accompany us on this trip. We have more than enough, so thank you! This trip will be a great introduction to our upcoming science units: 'Exploring Liquids' and 'Boats and Buoyancy'.

ELA: Students are working on a variety of writing activities: journals, story writing, and publishing books on the Tar Heel website. We are also writing Acrostic  poems this week. I will be doing Guided Reading during Daily 5 time. In spelling, we are studying Contractions.

Math: We are taking a closer look at 2D shapes: learning what an Attribute is, playing games to help us identify the Attributes of the different 2D shapes, and making some shape art!

Social: We will be wrapping up our Looking at People unit this week.

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