Sunday, April 13, 2014

April 14-17

ELA:  There is so much Literacy happening in our classroom! In addition to the Daily 5 activities and spelling:
  1. It's Poetry Month so we are reading and writing poetry. This week are going to try creating a digital playlist of poems using the SoundCloud app.
  2. An Author, Marty Chan, is visiting our school Monday. Mrs. Becker read us one of his books in Library last week. It was called, "True Story". It was a funny 'true story' about his cats. We will be writing our own 'true stories' soon.
  3. Students have also been busy creating digital books on the Tar Heel website. To date, the class has published 70 books! And have another 70 in the works! Wow!
  4. Storytime with Mrs. Houle every Monday morning. Thank you Mrs. Houle for sharing a love of reading with us!

Math: Students created 3D buildings and wrote about them in their math journals. We will continue to study 2D shapes and 3D objects this week. We haven't forgotten about addition and subtraction and continue to practice our basic facts each week as well. :)

Science: Last week we learned about the scientific method. Our scientist selves are displayed in the class. This week we will be investigating and testing different liquids.

Art: Check out our spring umbrella paintings and daffodil art in the hall. This week: Easter Art!

Reminders: The Give A Shirt campaign starts this week. No School on Friday.

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