Sunday, March 2, 2014

March 3-6

Important days this week: Wednesday, March 5 Student-Led Conferences 3:30pm-7:30pm.
                                           March 5th is Early dismissal for students.
                                           The Book Fair is in the Library Monday through Wednesday.
                                           No Library class this week.
                                           Friday, March 7 is a PD day. No School for students.

In the classroom...

ELA: During Daily 5 time, I will be conferencing with students on reading and writing goals. As well, students will be doing some reflecting and self-evaluating for this term. Students are working on writing stories for our upcoming Story Share. Spelling words this week have r-controlled vowels.

Math: We are subtracting 2 digit numbers. We have explored many strategies. Last week we learned a poem to help us with subtracting:
We also read math stories, created our own math story problems, and played 3 different math games (X-ray vision, Snakes and Ladder subtracting, and Around the World). We worked on math problems in our unit booklet and in our math journals.
Social: We are studying the Acadians of Meteghan. Last week, we enjoyed some Fiddle music while reading and writing about Acadian culture in our text/workbook. This week we will create some Acadian art and explore Acadian culture on the chromebooks. By Thursday, we will begin to look at Ukrainian culture in Saskatoon.

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