Sunday, March 9, 2014

March 10-14

Monday is Moustache Day!

ELA: During Daily 5 time, some students have been reading books on the Tar Heel Reader website. Tar Heel is an online collection of early reading books written by kids for kids. There are books on every topic imaginable! This week, we are going to write our own books on Tar Heel. Students will pick a topic and create a book that will become part of the Tar Heel collection. They are very excited about this!

Math: We are near the end of our Addition and Subtraction to 100 unit. This week we are working on story problems (problem solving). We will also be starting a Geometry unit but will continue to do adding and subtracting practice for the remainder of the school year.

Social: This week we are studying Ukrainian culture in Canada. We are also planning a Culture Day. If you are interested in sharing anything of cultural significance with our class, please let me know and we will set a time for you to come in to do a 'Show and Tell'. Students really appreciate guest speakers, love looking at artifacts, and usually have many questions!

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